
The mind needs to think about things it never thinks about

You don’t have to say if it’s all been fiction the entire while.
Your ability to produce completely engaging fiction is spectacular.
I always sense a background intelligence too though
and feel sure you have all kinds of plan for life to be good.
The art of 21st century drama is making people passionately care.
Sympathy to all of the parents out there. I imagine these
last thirty years of tenuous economic viability
and think ‘what if the whole time I’d also had children to
economically support, instead of cats and sparrows and friends NS
lovers and wild fellow writers and people of the street
and the culture at large. pooled ever presence,
the whole ecosystem, all of which requires human beings.
 I’d have been demolished financially countless times
if in the midst of the various financial disasters I’d also had
a family to pay for! . Washed up ashore.
Support money for parents is wise.
Universal is better. 015
Our country’s (possibly vote buying) introduction of payments to families, per child
while being politically lurid (come into policy at the start of the year
but with no payments until six months had built up, so the oncoming election
began with a big present of cash, 6 months of cheques rolled into one)
(Next March, long past the election, they will find out that it will
effect their taxes dramatically, the March bump, sending many
of the family budgets into peril. Cynical! Giving 6 months worth
in the summer, when people take vacations and time off work in general
as oppossed to paying for child care as it was intended
and again, tax crisis next March – people will blame the new Government –
even as the ‘best on the economy Conservatives’ have led us into Recession
while stripping away safeguards and safety nets – but here’s 600 dollars, summer of love  *
But while simply costing me money in some broad taxation sense
as a human with no offspring (i financed my rich neighbours odd windfallQWe2#\;
I can’t blame them; they weren’t asking for such a bestowing from the briefly smiling Prime Minister)
it also has had me quite integratedly thinking about it, and being content with it.
Mulcair says NDP will continue the payments, and has this joyousness about it.
The NDP genuinely wants to help the people in the country. And I feel comfortable with it
gifting to all as it were. Everything that balances out people’s lives
and decreases despair helps everyone.
My life as a non parent.
I do want there to be other people in the world
I don’t want them to be distressed and/or despairing
I do feel it is right that I contribute to the real struggle of parents,
which so often so much is economic.
I approve of having my taxes universally fund various things for all.



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