
November 26, 2017

Jazz of Lost Sunsets

Filed under: Uncategorized — oversion @ 2:10 pm

It was maddening. We’d readied the skid hours before and called it in.
It was to be a rare this year day, I’d actually leave early.
The last coworker took off at three, or a few minutes before. (*Molly)
And I really had no worries. They’re so reliable. We’d told them 3.

I went out back and found the world transformed. It was like the
greatest spiritual event ever in my lifetime were happening, due west.
The entire sky was aglow, was amazing,

…And all I needed was for the truck to come take the skid
and I was in the perfect area to chase down that sunset

4:30pm as per protocol I call to confirm all’s well with the pickup
“They’ll be there by 5” “Not until 5?”
“They will be there before 5.”
“I can’t leave until they come. If it’s before 5, fine.”
Call back at 5:10. “half an hour away”

Meanwhile the sky has done every imaginable thing in the meantime
but I’ll never know why. What was going on beyond the building?

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