
alien el regresso

drive to work me and the sunjm driving me to workf10 jm saying byf1 first leg upf2 landedf4 gesturingf3 throwing breadf5 searching for snailsf6 hopping the girterf10 gemcat meditf11 gemcat zoomf11 little gemcat appreciating mealf16 the grey watching for gemf16 the grey bundled upf22 blackandwhite kittenf14 dark orange cutief13 gemf17 gem tidyingf22 blackandwhite kittenf7 coming back down to say by

primal hypno









little books

and cats

and rides

18 sparrowshow i

love sparrows

truest friend




with me

always never

not there

like cats

the aliens

were envolved


centuries ago

who are trying

to determine what

human beings are


  1. Leapt out of my poem at just that point,
    juggling all those photofiles on the internet connection
    with the computer rinsing the mind through
    all the interaction with cats and animal leafdom
    resting on the marvel of these images and this
    marvelous day for which i thank you

    Comment by oversion — October 9, 2009 @ 3:12 am

  2. there oft similar, but if you know them,
    there’s a larger black that ive called gem since 2007
    who has the regard and veral space priority
    among all the others, dom of the lots,
    while a good few of the smaller ones
    look a lot like him. The one referred to as a kitten
    has plentiful bright bursts of a creamy rich caramel colour
    randomly on its overall white and blackgrey form,
    that one resembling gem’s mom, who was intensely rugged
    and used to lead her troop across the hills,
    before the main colony settled under a truck bed
    last winter. To this day there are ferals who never go near
    the truckbed behind mandarin. Seems there’s a kind of
    tagging system from the dump thru the ravine
    around behind our place and over to the mandarin lots
    of related but distancing branches. Don’t see much in the way
    of foxes. In winter there’s many many tracks of all kinds.
    They make workdays wonderful.

    Comment by oversion — October 10, 2009 @ 1:48 am

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