
Cold Remedy with boiled ginger and lemon but separately, and then garlic

Watch some grand hbo epic series set in another era, until you are fully well,
and then associate the illness with that century, and drink boiled ginger
and lemon, but separately at different times. When you’re close to better
feast on lots of fresh garlic one evening and the bug will have fled by morning.
It’s all in the breathing ultimately. A bit of black tea and you’re off to the races.
Handing over power to the rest of the world
Reading is good for a cold or flu. While you’re reading your mind is in charge
and your whole being focuses into the thinking in the visuality of the text
feet legs ankles everything is focused on the advancing thought. Your mind is a Swan
chasing away all but what you are reading. And it’s like waking up when you close the book and the virus is gone. Some 3 million year old virus has moved along, and

you are well, as you always ultimately are.


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