
Antidote to G20

G20 intensity is puzzling and enraging and amusing so many people in this city I feel like giving all of Toronto a loving round of applause. I always have loved this city going back decades before I’d ever been here. In noodle bone days of my frozen sudden occupancy of Moncton New Brunswick – from out of the womb no less ! – the insanty of being born in Moncton, as if I didn’t want to return to the womb, because from Moncton, the perspective was so different. As far as Canada our only non-UK non-rcaf loyalties were my Dad’s hometown (Hamilton, but fan of Leafs) Toronto was not a source of rage even when I got there in the  80s. It’s great

Toronto’s respect for places like Hamilton and Windsor, Montreal and Vancouver, is obvious as soon as you got here. Toronto is all about context. Sure, if you really do adapt to the corporate culture you’ll psycho out in 9 years or so but have made a lot of money. Whereas if you adjust to real Toronto, the other 90% of the people here, it’s pretty good. If you can find some bland menial thing to do for a living and cling on to a tiny apartment somewhere you can then work your way into indy intellectual culture

…and recalibrate politics and literature at once powered by the marvelous music

and the city in its vastness outside the skyscrapers is admirably conscious for the mosdt part. I have no idea why toronto car drivers resent so using the turn signal. It’s a mere convenience! You’re not being followed you big shallunkas in suvs and so just signal.

Ut was fascinating going out to see Iggy Pop Saturday night, live, for free, outdoors, in Toronto yonge and dundas square.

Who could imagine? Such a strange feature choice at such a time.

We biked down to salut one of our windsor detroit radicals done well

I didn’t see the odd csissy dude in white pants when i took that picture, but he didn’t bug us at all going by. The whole G20 issue is just so amazing internationally. Some powerfhouse nations. All their entourage ento u rage entou Rage

Toronto is anti-power city in its vast depth because the total number of employees overall, all employers included, some 99% are glad to :”leave the job behind and live”  It’s only a few with something like a mechanical mental illness who do not long to leave work behind. I always so enjoyed the fact that Vancouver where I briefly lived for several years was able to have General Strikes (I come from Windsor where you wouldn’t even need to)

It really isn’t unstrange to me to have forces from all sorts of not Toronto places scaling in on the only place most of us live. I’m fantasizing of my Good Riddance G20 post next week. This really doesn’t describe the world here.

Who are these forces at war with? Toronto is a very real place. Good intellectual tradition here. We’ve managed not to do this, not to live this way.

It’s been good. Toronto has my full loyalty forever without second thought on that


my toronto friends. i’m on your side in all these goings on.

I LOVE, i really do love, Toronto Ontario Canada Mississauga Huron and Six nations. My heart is healthy loving away. Go Toronto!

Iggy Pop Live! Free In Toronto!

Iggy Pop goes Luminato pre G20 and apparently stage dived the audience many times, according to my neighbour who was in eatons doorway. we never saw him.

Remarkably, my 80s and 90s platform (sometimes) 3, 4, 6, was cops working in threes. Seeing the bands of confused puzzled cops working in 8s and more, (saw one group of about 24, another of about 20, knowing the cost from following municipal politics i would have thought the money better spent Iggy Pop performing somewhere better

i wanna be your dog i don't know, i think he was playing all current stuff

Welcome Welcome

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