
calculator at drake and pete and peter

last night here rocked.

I was out with pete mcphee and pete sero,whove known each other since childhood and were both born ***** 19 1964 in etobicoke. It’s fun watching them interact, as anything they might do that would annoy who they currently are they have encountered so many times since 1964 with each other that it ramifies some whole other way. Cal-cu-lator and the oral presentation band were fun as always. The drake was overexpensive and kind of silly as always. I spent so much money I am staring at the day in my retirement where i choose between the no name kraft dinner and the new bottle of shampoo and have to make a tough choice, all the while remembering all the guinnesses and door charges of our touring that night august 21 in 2009. “I could have bought hamburger!” I will say to myself. So tonight, it will be all homebased creativity. Using what I already have. ie bizarre photos, sidewinder text, a commitament to relaxation, a narcotic for hope. By way of review: both the opener, Bob Wiseman, and Cal cu lator launch themseves forward able to be many things at once. At one point I was sitting along the couch at the far forward wall and couldn’t see the guy on stage, and actually entirely believed there was a new performer on stage. It was still Bob Wiseman. My favorite bit from his part of the night was when he had film of the piano and hands playing it, with such a distinctive style, hilariously enacting the playing of the other instruments in the band by fondling around the keys, but it was so good I didn’t guffaw or anything, because it was excellent art. (interesting interretations of the sounds)

I took no pictures during all that phase of the evening, it was still seeming like blablah I’m in the Drake blablah, some weird hyper stylized universe best left to its own devices, only visitted in special circumstances, so ny glitz by my standards. Take it on its terms I figured, not about me. But once aforementioned others became more vocal with similar apprehensions (expressed in street terms like “…ya but doesn’t it have a kind of art deco retro disco crowd vibe to it…” “is it a real place?” and the nutty way they seem to come running out to watch you smoke, even while being all cool and friendly and have a good time about it but just so omnipresent, the feverishly watched life is worth living? Nonetheless we were all among friends and they liked us… Doesn’t hurt that the night was such a success of course.

I thought Cal-cu=latour were being more mainstream whatever night last night was. Whats that, your first bottle toke? Fuck sakes. I count on acallculator’s being free speech vanguard. And then all this Timberlake Plantain action, man, tighten those balls Yogatishu, your seriousness of an actor comes late to suggest Plantain up his timberlake and asks Ennis Esmer to fix it for him. Here the photograph of it I am talking about.


Always sleep well, it is as fun as nearly anything

and the rare things sleep isn’t quite as fun as

can’t happen all that often anyway, so sleep

is like all of them at once, and good as everythingCONOR ON MICDRAKE HOTEL

what is this bird? At the time of sighting I thought cardinal and was out photographing because of the tropical bird noises right here in my back yard at home, then I see the photo and it's this odd looking bird with bright yellow tail

what is this bird? At the time of sighting I thought cardinal and was out photographing because of the tropical bird noises right here in my back yard at home, then I see the photo and it's this odd looking bird with bright yellow tail

And who are these birds? Surely not a whole mockingbird family, not a group often seen

And who are these birds? Surely not a whole mockingbird family, not a group often seen

And this one

to help with your eyes, the small wearied looking wouldbe chicadee is at the centre as cropped

to help with your eyes, the small wearied looking wouldbe chicadee is at the centre as cropped


  1. jason chimera haha

    Comment by oversion — August 23, 2009 @ 6:59 am

  2. .

    Comment by oversion — August 23, 2009 @ 8:11 am

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